I successfully moved my home assistant server from a Raspberry Pi into my kubernetes cluster using the kubernetes resource definitions in (https://github.com/drpump/k3s-home-assistant/). TLS is configured and my home assistant instance is now accessible through secure HTTPS connections using a standard, host-routed https URL.

Deploying Mosquitto MQTT to k3s with Traefik TLS ingress
This article describes how I deployed mosquitto MQTT with TLS into my k3s cluster. I used an article by Maxime Moreillon as my starting point but needed to adjust the ingress to work with the Traefik ingress controller installed by k3s.

Grappling with software development on an iPad Pro
Software development on an iPad Pro is possible but not straightforward. Here’s how I set up a Raspberry Pi companion device for software development on the iPad Pro.

Giving kids control of an EC2 instance via discord
This article describes how I created a discord bot to start/stop an EC2 instance. I’ve used this bot to give my kids and their friends the ability to start/stop a minecraft server running on EC2 when they want to play.

Fire up kubernetes from iOS using python
This article shows how to create and use a cloud-hosted Kubernetes cluster using Python scripts on an iPad. The eventual goal is to be able to use an iPad as an end-user device for development of applications running in a cloud-hosted kubernetes cluster.

A writable kubernetes cluster for software development
Create a kubernetes cluster that includes a writable, persistent NFS service so that you can develop applications inside kubernetes.